Dr. Greene Specializes in Cataract Surgery and Family Eye Care
About Dr. Greene
Dr. Greene and his wife have one adult child. He and his family have spent their entire life in the Louisville area. His personal interests including spending time with his daughter, reading, medical research, technology and UofL sports. Dr. Greene and his wife enjoy travel and have visited Ireland several times. Dr. Greene provides care for patients in Louisville at our Story Avenue eye care and laser center.
Contacting Dr. Greene
If you have a medical emergency, call our office, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at (502) 589-1500 or (800) 999-3036. Dr. Greene, or one of the other physicians in our group, will be contacted immediately. If you wish to contact Dr. Greene about a matter which is NOT vision-threatening, you may securely message him through My Online Account.
Please remember, Dr. Greene only reads his email about once per day. If you have a medical situation, please call our office. Email is not the quickest way to reach Dr. Greene.
Louisville Locations
The Eye Care Institute Building
1536 Story Avenue
Louisville, KY 40206
Phone: (502) 589-1500
Phone: 800.999.3036
Butchertown Clinical Trials
205 N Spring Street
Louisville, KY 40206
Phone: 502-219-7700